
Showing posts from November, 2022


 Today we worked on narrative essays. I really prefer argumentative essays over narrative because I like to debate and argue. I just cant really grasp the concept of narratives. I didn’t get a chance to finish my narrative because I mixed up what I was supposed to be writing about. 


 Today we finished practicing argumentative essays. I was super excited because I love debating on different topics and having rebuttals. I had to rush at the end of class because I was having a hard time trying to find 2 pieces of evidence from both passages. 


 Today we started argumentative essays. It was practice for the georgia milestones because we take them next week. I’m not really a fan of taking the georgia milestones. I was excited to start argumentative essays though. 



Color purple Poem



 The interactions between Shug Avery, Celie, and Mr.   was very entertaining and funny. We have a poem to do tomorrow on the book. I think my poem was very excellent it was based off of trauma. Overall my day was cool and I was ready to go home. 


 We finished reading a couple more letters. We also answered this question on Celie and Sofia about how they compare and contrast. I had work today and have to work out extra because track season is coming up. I’m so ready to get offers this year. 


 We finished our benchmark tests today. I really didn’t finish because it was so much. Honestly I’m tired of benchmarks. I was happy today because I got a good score on my science test. 


 We started benchmarks today which was dreadful. I’m so tired of taking benchmark tests. I think they’re pointless because we test wayyy to much. But after testing I took a nap. Today was fun though I got to see my bestfriend since she’s been out for a while. 


 We finished our group projects. Half of the class got called to a room for ap testing. I take 3 ap classes so the school pays for 2 of the tests and you would have to pay $62 for the other ones. But i didn’t chose any to pay for. I wouldn’t want to waste money on something I knew i wasn’t going to do good on. 


 Today my group presented our projects. We had letter 13. In my group I was the illustrator. I drew Harpo having a nightmare running away from his mouth era lover with her in a pastor. Harpos mother gets shot by her lover and dies. 

color purple project



 Today we started presenting our color purple letter projects. I really liked the creativity between the other groups drawings. It projected everybody’s own style and creativity. I also liked the way the groups read their letters in a different tone during each character. 


 No school. 


 We started working on our color purple letter project. I was in a group with ayat chloe and deshawn. I really liked this group we all brought our ideas together to create a successful and creative project. I was assigned to be the illustrator. 




 The test today was actually easy. I felt like I got a 100. I studies hard and I’m trying to bring my grade back up in here. I’m doing well so far by doing my blogs more. 


 I learned something new in pre cal. I actually liked it, I finally understood it. My lunch was great today I had a left over sea food boil my mom made. 


 Today was fine. My third period teacher didn’t come today or yesterday. It was actually very relieving I needed this break. Other than that the rest of the day was chill.